HTS Code 6116-Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted (excluding for babies)

HTS Code 6116-Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted (excluding for babies)

View Import Duty
HTS CodeDescriptionUnit of QtyRate Of Duty
Column 1Column 2
General Rate Of DutySpecial Rate Of Duty2
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 22.5% (E)60.00%
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 16.3% (E)90.00%
6116.10.55Containing 50 percent or more by weight of cotton, man-made fibers or other textile fibers, or any combination thereof
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 10.7% (E)80.00%
6116.10.75Containing 50 percent or more by weight of cotton, man-made fibers or other textile fibers, or any combination thereof
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,E*,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)30.00%
6116.10.05.00Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.08.00Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the foregoing specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts
doz. prs.,kg
0.00%Free (A*,AU,BH,CA,CL,CO,D,E,IL,JO,KR,MA,MX,OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG)30.00%
6116.10.13.00Containing over 50 percent by weight of plastics or rubber
doz. prs.,kg
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,E,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)60.00%
6116.10.17.20Subject to cotton restraints (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.17.30Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.17.40Other (831)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.44.00Containing over 50 percent by weight of plastics or rubber
doz. prs.,kg
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA,CL,CO,IL,JO,KR,MA,MX, OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG) 8.9% (E)90.00%
6116.10.48.10Subject to cotton restraints (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.48.20Subject to man-made fiber re- straints (631)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.48.30Other (831)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.55.10Subject to cotton restraints (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.55.20Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.55.30Other (831)
doz. prs.,kg
doz. prs.,kg
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL, JO,KR,MA,MX, OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG) 6% (E)80.00%
6116.10.75.10Subject to cotton restraints (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.75.20Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.10.75.30Other (831)
doz. prs.,kg
doz. prs.,kg
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,E,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)30.00%
View Import Duty
HTS CodeDescriptionUnit of QtyRate Of Duty
Column 1Column 2
General Rate Of DutySpecial Rate Of Duty2
6116.91.00.00Of wool or fine animal hair (431)
doz. prs.,kg
31.2¢/kg + 7%Free (AU,BH,CA,CL,CO,IL,JO,KR,MA,MX,OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG)$1.10/kg +50%
View Import Duty
HTS CodeDescriptionUnit of QtyRate Of Duty
Column 1Column 2
General Rate Of DutySpecial Rate Of Duty2
6116.92Of cotton:
6116.92.64Without fourchettes
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 22.5% (E)90.00%
6116.92.74With fourchettes
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO,KR, MA,MX,OM,P, PA,PE,S,SG)90.00%
6116.92.05.00Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.08.00Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore going specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts
doz. prs.,kg
0.00%Free (A,AU,BH,CA,CL,CO,D,E,IL,JO,KR,MA,MX,OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG)50.00%
6116.92.64.10Terry cloth type, looped pile fabric (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.64.20Jersey type, brushed or napped fabric (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.64.30Lisle type, no pile, not brushed or napped (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.64.40Other (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.74.50Jersey type, brushed or napped fabric (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.74.60Lisle type, no pile, not brushed or napped (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.74.70Other (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.92.88.00Without fourchettes (331)
doz. prs.,kg
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 7.4% (E)90.00%
6116.92.94.00With fourchettes (331)
doz. prs.,kg
10.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO,KR, MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)90.00%
View Import Duty
HTS CodeDescriptionUnit of QtyRate Of Duty
Column 1Column 2
General Rate Of DutySpecial Rate Of Duty2
6116.93Of synthetic fibers:
6116.93.05.00Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves
doz. prs.,kg
6116.93.08.00Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore going specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts
doz. prs.,kg
0.00%Free (A,AU,BH,CA,CL,CO,D,E,IL,JO,KR,MA,MX,OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG)50.00%
6116.93.64.00Without fourchettes (431)
doz. prs.,kg
31¢/kg + 6.9%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 31¢/kg + 5.4% (E)$1.10/kg + 50%
6116.93.74.00With fourchettes (431)
doz. prs.,kg
31¢/kg + 6.9%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO,KR, MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)$1.10/kg + 50%
6116.93.88.00Without fourchettes (631)
doz. prs.,kg
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 16.3% (E)90.00%
6116.93.94.00With fourchettes (631)
doz. prs.,kg
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO,KR, MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)90.00%
View Import Duty
HTS CodeDescriptionUnit of QtyRate Of Duty
Column 1Column 2
General Rate Of DutySpecial Rate Of Duty2
6116.99Of other textile materials:
0.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,E*,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)40.00%
6116.99.20.00Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves
doz. prs.,kg
6116.99.35.00Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore going specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts
doz. prs.,kg
0.00%Free (A*,AU,BH,CA,CL,CO,D,E,IL,JO,KR,MA,MX,OM,P,PA,PE,S,SG)50.00%
6116.99.48.00Without fourchettes (631)
doz. prs.,kg
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO, KR,MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG) 16.5% (E)90.00%
6116.99.54.00With fourchettes (631)
doz. prs.,kg
20.00%Free (AU,BH,CA, CL,CO,IL,JO,KR, MA,MX,OM, P,PA,PE,S,SG)90.00%
6116.99.75.00Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste
doz. prs.,kg
6116.99.95.10Subject to cotton restraints (331)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.99.95.20Subject to wool restraints (431)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.99.95.30Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631)
doz. prs.,kg
6116.99.95.60Other (831)
doz. prs.,kg

What is a 6 digit HTS Code or HS Code?

The 6 digit HS Code or HTS Code is called a sub-heading. It comes after chapter (2 digit) and the heading (4 digit) in the HS Code hierarchy. Till 6 digits HS Codes remain the same globally. It is only after the 6 digit level that the HS Codes start varying for each country,

How to find the US import duty or customs duty from this page?

  • Identify your product's 6 digit HTS Code or HS Code from the above list

  • Now, you have to identify the 8 digit code of your product as all the import duty tariffs in the HTS US are listed at 8 digit HTS Code.

  • Click on the HTS 6 you have selected for your product, it will take you to a list of 8-10 digit HTS Codes where you will also find your product's import duty rate.

  • Alternatively, you can also click on "View Import Duty" which will give you a preview of some of the 8 digit HTS Codes with import duty. Click on "View all" to see the complete list.

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