Supply chain risk management (SCRM) involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks affecting a business' supply chain operations.

This includes all activities related to producing, sourcing and delivering customer goods or services.

It is critical for businesses heavily dependent on supply chain operations to deliver goods or services to customers.

Importance of Supply Chain Risk Management

Effective SCRM reduces the impact of supply chain disruptions and minimizes financial losses.

1. Minimizing Disruptions

By identifying risks and developing contingency plans, businesses can ensure that their supply chain operations function even during natural disasters, supplier failure or transportation delays.

2. Reducing Losses

Effective SCRM helps minimize the financial impact of disruptions by implementing risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans, such as maintaining safety stock or using other transportation modes.

Supply chain finance services are a type of funding that help businesses ensure optimal SCRM.

3. Maintaining Customer Satisfaction

SCRM ensures that businesses meet customer demand even during disruptions and, thus, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Stages of Supply Chain

For effective SCRM, businesses must constantly monitor and assess all the stages of the supply chain:

1. Planning

The first stage involves forecasting customer demand, identifying required resources and developing a strategy to meet the demand efficiently.

Drip Capital works with SMBs who can benefit from including supply chain finance in their SCRM arsenal.

2. Sourcing

The second stage involves identifying and selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts and establishing relationships with them to ensure a reliable supply of goods or services.

3. Procurement

Here, businesses start placing orders with suppliers, managing the procurement process and ensuring that the purchased goods or services meet the required quality standards.

4. Production

This stage involves manufacturing or assembling the product, including designing, testing and producing the components or the finished product.

5. Logistics

Here, businesses manage the transportation of goods by selecting transportation modes, optimizing routes and tracking shipments to ensure timely delivery.

6. Delivery

The stage usually involves delivering the finished product to the customer, either directly or through a distributor or retailer.

Identifying Supply Chain Risks

Identifying and mitigating supply chain risks ensure smooth operations and minimize potential disruptions.

Internal Risks:

1. Inefficient Processes

Inefficient processes can lead to wasted time, resources and money. This can increase costs, delay production and impact the overall quality of products or services.

2. Inaccurate Data Management

Data is a critical component of the supply chain. Accurate data will prevent businesses from making ill-informed decisions and causing disruptions in supply chain operations.

3. Lack of Communication

Lack of communication between different departments, suppliers or customers can lead to delays, misunderstandings and mistakes that can harm businesses.

External Risks:

1. Natural Disasters

Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and wildfires cause disruptions to transportation networks, manufacturing facilities and suppliers, leading to delays and shortages in the supply chain.

2. Economic Instability

Recessions, currency fluctuations and market volatility significantly impact the supply chain by reducing demand, increasing costs and causing financial instability for suppliers.

3. Political Unrest

Situations of social or political instability, conflict or violence disrupt supply chains by causing transportation and communication disruptions, delays at borders and damage to infrastructure.

4. Cybersecurity Threats

Data breaches, malware attacks and ransomware cause disruptions to IT systems and compromise data security, leading to delays in supply chain operations.

Types of Risk Management

Several types of risk management are used to overcome the possible risks and their impact:

1. Reactive Risk Management

This involves responding to risks after they have occurred.

It is often the default approach for many businesses but can lead to increased costs, loss of reputation and damage to customer relationships.

2. Proactive Risk Management

Here, businesses take steps to prevent risks before they occur. This includes implementing risk reduction strategies, investing in risk management technologies and developing contingency plans.

3. Strategic Risk Management

This involves identifying the most critical risks to the businesses and developing risk management plans that align with the business' long-term goals.

4. Operational Risk Management

This includes implementing quality control procedures, supplier performance monitoring and other operational risk management processes at the operational level.

5. Enterprise Risk Management

This involves identifying and managing financial, operational, legal and reputational risks that may impact the business.

Strategies for Managing Supply Chain Risks

Using different strategies, businesses can effectively manage risks and minimize their impact.

I. Risk Mitigation

Risk mitigation is the process businesses use to reduce the likelihood or impact of a risk event. Some of the key elements of risk mitigation include:

a. Diversifying Suppliers

Having multiple suppliers can reduce the risk of supply disruptions caused by natural disasters, geopolitical events or supplier bankruptcy.

b. Implementing Contingency Plans

Contingency plans can include backup suppliers, alternative transportation methods or stockpiling critical supplies, to be used during a risk event.

c. Improving Communication

Effective communication can help businesses identify potential risks, develop risk management plans and respond to risk events promptly and effectively.

d. Risk Transfer

Here, a business transfers the financial impact of a risk event to another party like a supplier, insurance company or other partners in the supply chain.

Businesses can transfer risk through:

i. Insurance Insurance transfers the financial impact of a risk event to an insurance company. This can include property insurance, liability insurance or supply chain insurance.

ii. Contracts Contracts transfer risk to suppliers or other partners through risk-sharing agreements, where partners agree to share the cost of risk mitigation strategies or the financial impact of a risk event.

II. Risk Acceptance

Here, an organization accepts the risk event without taking specific action to mitigate it.

This works when the potential impact is relatively low or the cost or transfer exceeds the potential impact.

a. Cost-Benefit Analysis

This determines whether a risk event's potential costs outweigh the risks of risk mitigation or transfer.

It considers the potential impact of a risk on the business and the costs of implementing the strategy.

b. Acceptance Threshold

This refers to the level of risk that a business is willing to accept and is based on its objectives and the risks it can afford to take.

It ensures that the business is not exposed to unacceptable levels of risk.


The future of supply chain risk management includes more tech adoption, focus on sustainability and resilience and better collaboration between businesses.

Businesses must know these trends to manage risks effectively and maintain efficient supply chains.